Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Finally fearless

I tend to have conversations with myself every now and then. It helps me put everything into focus and I can be honest with myself. So I was doing this 2 days ago and I was driving to the library and I said to myself, what are you truly scared of. I thought for a minute and I realized nothing. For years rape, and abuse and being hurt by men were my biggest fears. But I'm just not scared anymore. I wana climb high on a cliff and scream to the world how happy and ok I am finally. It's not that I need the world to know, I just cant believe how I feel these days. It's just amazing. Everyday is a gift. Everyday is an adventure. I just feel so happy. Trust me I still get down, and angry and annoyed. But those are emotions I can control and they are in the healthy amount.  I still have things Im not so comfortable with but I wouldn't call them fears such as public speaking and yellow jackets (wasps). I'm just confident now. I feel like nothing can get in my way and I can do what I want. I never thought this day could ever come. I want to help people to get to this point. It's possible. I looove life.

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