Monday, March 26, 2012

On more solid ground

I am better now. After my last post, which seemed like a little freak out. I am usually ok but I got scared/nervous.  Since then I have been doing great and taking things as they come. Applying to school and getting ready for the next chapter of my life. What I got to keep in mind is that life has its uphills and downhills and when things get bad I got to just ride the wave out and wait for things to get better. Or do my best to make things better. Cause things are great now. I have some really awesome friends. Have a great boyfriend. Volunteering/working in a place I love. And have great relationships with my family. Thank God. I still think back to when things were so much worse and I never thought I would meet good people. I feel like I have finally learnt how to take control of my life and let the right people in. That and God is really leading me. I know my posts are bipolar, they go back and forth dependent on how things are going. Plus I usually post more when things aren't so good because I need an outlet. But things are great.

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