Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More to life

Sometimes I feel like I am surrounded by people who just want to drink, get high and hook up with someone new. And I don't get it. Why? Are those things considered fun? All those things make you lose control and make you less you. Yes its fun every once in a while to be irresponsible and lose control. But for some people I feel like that's their whole life. They dont see much beyond that. They just want to drink and smoke it all away and let different guys have access to their bodies all the time. I wasn't so different, I've done plenty of that. But there's so much beyond that. Drinking makes me a different person, yes I like how it makes me more talkative but it makes me think less and do things I wouldn't do sober so why should I do it drunk? I've never smoked a cigarette, and I've smoked weed once. It's not that amazing and I don't want to be addicted to anything. Even coffee. I don't want anything to have control over me, that I should feel I need something. And hooking up with random guys just makes me feel empty, used, and unloved. I know people do enjoy this lifestyle but maybe it's because it's all you know. Me and my friend try to do other things, instead of going to town and drinking. We will go ice skating, bowling, hiking, movie night. Anything. There are so many ways to have fun sober without doing anything you regret. And if you are fine drinking, smoking, hooking up without any regrets good for you. But I am tired of the people who do it and then every time they say I wish I wouldn't have drunk or I wish I wouldn't have hooked up with the guy I did. If you do it, it should be because you want it and not because you let the alcohol take control of you. I haven't drank in about 6 weeks, and have stayed away from guys for a while. It's not easy, I want to be comforted I want to feel loved, needed and wanted but its not worth bringing myself down and just hooking up with some random guy. And its not easy changing paths, having guys text me thinking they can get some and me telling them I'm not that girl anymore and knowing once I say that they probably wont text me anymore. But its worth it, because I'm happy and I feel like there's substance to my life and I'm not just doing empty things that bring me down. So do whatever you choose, just dont regret it.

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